Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Rakyat should be made aware of the "Real Situations"

Indeed, your questions should be answered.

Indeed the Rakyat should be made aware of the "real situations". The opposition has been alleged, maybe correctly, to politicizing events and lies were told to the constituents, the people. The government warned us of not falling into deceptions by Pakatan Rakyat and their sympathizers. Well, okay. Why not do something! Tell us! Answer our questions! Erase our doubts!

Instead of explaining privately to the MPs of Australia, why not explain officially to all of us; via the existing media.

Amongst others, my facebook friends has legitimate questions and these same questions are asked over and over again. There is no way that the authorities do not know about the Rakyat's concerns. Are the questions too difficult to explain? And if they are, then something is not right!

Jullie mentioned that the 3 women caned were supposed to be for adultery. Then why aren't the men being punished as well?

Sean mentioned that sex outside the sanctity of marriage and sodomy can't be as serious as corruption. Why are the courts and the government not concentrating on the really important stuff and waste the courts' time and the rakyat's money. And what kind of outdated laws do we have.

Ivan mentioned that what motives can the 2 convicted policemen have to blow up the Mongolian woman. He would like to know.

Jeeneze mentioned about the secrecy shrouded in the case of the 3 women being caned. Nobody seemed to know anything about the proceedings. Then a conviction was arrived at and the caning was done. And the women repented. Really?

Joanne too wondered about the dubious outcome of the Mongolian murder trial.

What happened to this old adage of "Things must not be just done right. They must be seen to be done right!" or something to that effect.

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