Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Deepavali and Pooja Chopra

So once again on this day I wish all those who celebrate a very "Happy Deepavali" and should you choose to drink, do not drive nor be too drunk.

A little bit of old news (oxymoron again?) for you. Ms Pooja Chopra won the Ms India title earlier this year. If you do not know how she looks like, let me show you.

A very interesting and moving story about her, if you have not known already. This will make you angry and upset if you are like me. Against bigotry.

London: Pooja Chopra's survival is being celebrated throughout India. However, when the Miss India World 2009 was 20 days old, her mother was asked by her husband to make a choice - kill her child or forfeit the marriage.

Despite knowing that she would be thrown out the house, mum Neera decided to keep her daughter, and thus defied the wishes of a bullying husband who wanted the baby destroyed.

Now, twenty-three years later, Pooja, a vivacious young woman, has become a quintessential example of the axiom: every cloud has a silver lining.

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