Monday, December 8, 2008

Hari Raya Aidiladha

Apart from Aidilfitri, the festival most grandly celebrated by Muslims the world over is Aidiladha. In Malaysia, it is more commonly known as Hari Raya Korban or Hari Raya Haji and a public holiday is observed.

Celebrated about two months after Aidilfitri, on the 10th day of Zulhijah, the 12th month of the Muslim calendar, it marks the end of the haj pilgrimage period (about two weeks); hence the name Hari Raya Haji (festival of the pilgrimage).

Every year millions of Muslims make the journey to the Holy Land of Mecca in Saudi Arabia to perform the haj, a requirement in Islam as it makes up one of the five tenets of the religion. As long as they have the means to do so, and are able health-wise, Muslims must perform the haj at least once in life. Upon completion of the haj, the men earn the title of "haji" and the women, "hajjah".

Selamat Hari Raya Haji to all my Muslim friends.

And to the others, some happy pictures?

Photos courtesy of Lim Loke Kwok.

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