Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Riz Khan and Mahathir - Dec 04, 2008

You could have caught the interview done last week. Or you could already have watched it on Youtube. If not, here I have the two parts nicely uploaded for your viewing pleasure.

.. .. You're welcome.

When I was a little younger, I used to listen in awe to all the clever things Mahathir said. Things like "being backward is not a privilege". "We need a strong government to be able to implement beneficial though not very popular programs" (or something like that). "if money can be moved freely across nations, then nations should also allow people to move freely across them" (again or something like that). He too mentioned that there should not be total free trade between countries with absolutely no trade protection. He liken this with the game of golf where a handicap system ensure fairer play. (NEP?)

I am not so impressed with him anymore.

First, I think he is a bully. Second, I think he is not a fair minded person. Third, I think he is a megalomaniac. And lastly, listening to him of late gives me the impression that he is not at all sincere.

Just my thoughts!

1 comment:

DeZemBer said...

Megalomaniac... wow!!! Does that word really exist and how often ppl use that??!! ;)

I would rather like to like what he has done good rather than to dislike him on things he ought to have done better.

Probably he will do it differently if he has a chance to do it all over again.


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