Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Oscars - Watched some

I mentioned I couldn't catch the presentation live in the morning as I had an appointment with somebody who obviously didn't watch the Oscars live too. I guess he would have told somebody the same thing as I. Gee, I guess if both of us had come to an understanding earlier, then we could have even watched the show together and then commenced on our original reason to meet after.

So, I planned to watch the delayed version. As luck would have it, somebody wanted to have a drink with me during Happy Hours. By the way, drinking during early evenings aren't always Happy Hours for me. Most times, I have to pay, at least for what I consume.

I arrived back home at a little after 10pm. Quickly took a cincai bath and sat myself in front of the Plasma. I missed out on the first one over hour.

The results are no longer news by now as you can see them plastered everywhere. However, if you still want to see another summary, visit Jeeneze's post here.

Being at times opinionated and forthright, here are some random observations.

I have never seen Hugh Jackman danced and sang before. He did okay. But I guess I won't miss it if it never happen again. Beyonce was something else.

The ladies aren't as good looking this year versus the last years. Did you look at Kate Winslet, Angelina Jolie, Sophia Loren, Nicole Kidman, Halle Berry etc.? Maybe the dresses this year covered more and you were forced to look at the faces.

Kate Winslet looked older. She did look like the character in The Reader where she played a older woman who seduced a 15 year old. She got the Oscar on this one as the number one actress. She said as a little girl, she used to hold a shampoo bottle in her hand in the bathroom in anticipation of winning an Oscar. I can't remember when I was a kid; what was it that I held in my hand in my bathroom in anticipation of what.

Most of the guys were suave and handsome in their USD2000.00 suits.

In the acceptance speeches, there were a lot of thanking spouses and children and reminding the kids that all things are possible. Nobody seemed to thank God though this time round.

There were no utterances of things political in nature that I hear. I think Sean Penn said something about liberty or human rights or personal freedom or something of that sort.

Robert Downy Jr. did not win the Best Supporting Actor and lost it to Heath Ledger. Somebody told me that dead people usually get more support and respect as they no longer pose any competition nor can they hurt you in any way. It is perfectly safe to praise them and bestow upon them every respect, of course most times deservedly. Ever heard a bad eulogy?

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