Saturday, August 29, 2009

What a bunch of Idiots!

I've just watched this video by Malaysiakini.

My conclusion: What a bunch of Idiots!

A Hindu temple is supposed to be relocated in a 90% Malay district in Selangor. Some of the residents did not like it.

No issues with that. I would probably not like it if a mosque is relocated in Happy Gardens where I live.

Protest marches, non-vulgar banners, sensible speeches. No issues with that.

But what the fuck is this cow's head thing? What the fuck is this threatening to sacrifice lives to protect your wishes. What the fuck is this blood blood talk? And why the hell do you want to repeatedly stomp on the cow's head.

For goodness sake, the freaking cow is already dead. You mothers were carrying the head. Is that not obvious?

Seriously, what a bunch of Idiots!

It certainly will not look good on your resume if you were the Prime Minister and you can't put a stop to these nonsense.

And yes, watching Astro on plasmas certainly beats LCD's.

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