Wednesday, September 17, 2008


If you read my chatbox, you would have noticed Moses writing in "How come no one remembered me"

Of course everybody remembers Moses.

When you were born, the Pharoah was then most afraid of you Hebrews and ordered all baby boy infants to be killed. You mom put you in a basket and place you in the Nile. The Pharoah's daughter found you but your clever mom offered herself as a nurse and what do you know, your mom brought you up as your nurse. Clever lei?

You did not forget your roots and later took the Hebrews away as explained in the book of Exodus.The Egyptian army came after you guys and chased you to the edge of the Red Sea. God whispered something to you and you lift up your rod and Walah, the sea parted for you guys to run across. You lifted your rod again over at the other side and so the bad soldiers drowned.

Still, not so easy. You guys were in the desert for 40 years looking for the land called Canaan simply because you refused to ask for directions. Well, all these while, through God, you provided them food and striking your rod on stones, you provided them water.

Somewhere along the way you went up Mount Sinai and came down holding 2 big stone tablets with 10 laws from God telling people how to live. Can you remember how did you get so strong?

While you were gone, the people started to worship a calf stature. You were very angry and destroyed the statue with the 2 stone tablets. Of course God later forgave everyone and you made another set of the Ten Commandments.

You are going to live to a ripe old age of 120.

The Quran too tells of your birth and upbringing similarly except that your name was Musa.

As the camera was not invented 3500 years ago, we have no accurate image of you. I am posting a photograph of how you should look like. Handsome, confident, lady killer, suave and IT savvy.

A couple of favours I need to ask you, Moses. I need your email address. (please do not give me your;, your tenure in Canon, (from what to what year), lots of photos for the album. And lastly, I have some water here that I would like you to turn into fine wine.

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