Sunday, June 15, 2008

What Happens in Vegas

Watched this last evening with Geraldine, my daughter. Mediocrity would best described it, I guess.

Well, it was about Ashton and Cameron in their roles coming into a really bad patch in their lives, decided to go to Vegas to 'get away', met up; get entangled in crazy and supposedly hilarious situations.

I wasn't impressed. The only good thing would be that it is better than that 'wasting time' movie The Holiday starring Kate Winslet, Cameron, Jack Black and Jude Law.

You should watch Ashton Kucher in 'Punk'ed' and not here. Cameron Diaz.., Geraldine opined that all her characters in all her movies are the same. Like, she acted herself all the time. Geraldine said, "You can put all her movies together and come out with her life story. She started off being naive, getting married (Best Friend's Wedding). After her first divorse, she left for London and have an affair (The Holiday). Then she forsake relationships and got involved in some crime bustings (Charlie's Angels). Then after all the excitements, she got hooked up with a boring guy who dumped her and she went to where?..... Vegas (What Happens in Vegas). Would you say she would be out of character in this compilation? .. Oh Yes, you can slot in (There's something about Mary) somewhere."

Of course, there were some worthwhile moments in the movie in the second half. You just have to be patient enough.

Sex scene? (Where got?).

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