Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What?! You own Microsoft?

When I first began talking to Michael on the phone, I did not realize who he actually was.

We were discussing some low level IT stuff that I thought he would be able to help me out. He was introduced to me by a mutual friend.

I thought I would need to see him face on for him to have a more complete understanding of my needs. So I suggested seeing him in his office and naturally I asked for his company name and its whereabouts.

He said. "My company is Microsoft and it is in Danau Desa."

I asked him if he works for Microsoft.

"No. I own Microsoft."

This guy has just got to be kidding me and I absolutely must go to his office and see for myself. I could not wait. I dropped everything and drove to Danau Desa and to the appropriate address given.

It was quite a revelation when I came upon his company signage.

Disclaimer: The company is real and everything else is fictitious. Any resemblance to anybody living or dead is purely coincidental.

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